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SAP's and EPC's

SAP's and EPC's

SAP Calculations & New Build EPC’s

A SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) is a requirement of the building regulations for all new build dwellings.

The SAP provides estimated energy costs of the dwelling including but not limited to the following areas; the performance of the heating system and the gains of any renewable energy.

A SAP also includes a buildings CO2 emissions. To pass a SAP one of the four criterions states this must be the same or lower than a notional dwelling.

Building Control / NHBC require a Design Stage SAP before work is allowed to proceed on site.

At the end of the dwelling completion they also require the As built SAP’s and EPC to issue a final completion certificate.

The completion Certificate then allows the dwelling to be sold or leased

What we need from you

To Complete a SAP we need as a minimum the following items (autocad preferred but PDF is acceptable)

- Plans - Dimensioned and to scale
- Sections - Dimensioned and to scale
- Elevations - Dimensioned and to scale

- From here we can advise upon all aspects of the specification or if you have ideas incorporate those into the final design

What we can provide

- Help and guidance with the design, specification and costings for your dwelling
- U value calculations